Regenerative Medicine

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Regenerative Spine, Pain & Neuropathy Centers
Regenerative Medicine

Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP Therapy


PRP helps injured musculoskeletal tissues for healing. Based upon growth factors (TGF-beta, PDGF, IGF-I, FGF).

PRP accelerates ligament healing or augmenting the repair of its tissue. From tennis elbow, carpal tunnel or jumper’s knees.

The inflammatory effect is low, and the cell proliferation and scaffolding help to create tissue remodeling. Improving tissue stiffness, making cartilage more resilient.

To obtain the PRP: blood is taken from a patient and the platelets are spun down with a centrifuge to much higher levels than are naturally seen in a person’s own blood. Then the concentrated platelets are injected into the injured area from sports injuries: such as tendons, ligaments, muscle and joint Injuries.

To obtain the PRP: blood is taken from a patient and the platelets are spun down with a centrifuge to much higher levels than are naturally seen in a person’s own blood. Then the concentrated platelets are injected into the injured area from sports injuries: such as tendons, ligaments, muscle and joint Injuries.

Plasma Rico en Plaquetas – Terapia PRP

El PRP ayuda a los tejidos musculoesqueléticos lesionados a sanar. Basado en factores de crecimiento (TGF-beta, PDGF, IGF-I, FGF).

PRP acelera la curación del ligamento o aumenta la reparación de su tejido. Desde codo de tenista, túnel carpiano o rodillas de saltador.

El efecto inflamatorio es bajo y la proliferación celular y el andamiaje ayudan a crear la remodelación de los tejidos. Mejora la rigidez de los tejidos, haciendo que el cartílago sea más resistente.

Para obtener el PRP: se extrae sangre de un paciente y las plaquetas se centrifugan con una centrífuga a niveles mucho más altos que los que se ven naturalmente en la sangre de una persona. Luego, las plaquetas concentradas se inyectan en el área lesionada por lesiones deportivas: como tendones, ligamentos, lesiones musculares y articulares.


Stem Cell Based Products Therapy


The culture of Stem Cells can become any of the different cells in the body, this is nerve cell, blood cell, liver cell, and muscle cell among others.

Thanks to the ability of stem cells to self-replicate and reduce inflammation with an optimal differentiation from fat, muscle, bone, cartilage, among other cells. It is found that stem cells are pretty effective in treatments to heal and repair muscles, bones and joints.

Thanks to the ability of stem cells to self-replicate and reduce inflammation with an optimal differentiation from fat, muscle, bone, cartilage, among other cells. It is found that stem cells are pretty effective in treatments to heal and repair muscles, bones and joints.


Terapia con productos basados en células madre

El cultivo de Células Madre puede convertirse en cualquiera de las diferentes células del cuerpo, esto es célula nerviosa, célula sanguínea, célula hepática y célula muscular, entre otras.

Gracias a la capacidad de las células madre para autorreplicarse y reducir la inflamación con una diferenciación óptima de células de grasa, músculo, hueso, cartílago, entre otras. Se encuentra que las células madre son bastante efectivas en tratamientos para sanar y reparar músculos, huesos y articulaciones.


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